List of Sesim procedures
Last updated 2007-03-21 16:06:27 by thpe

a00_NewYear; IncreaseYear.bas
2007-03-16 14:29:23
--- Sub forward_one_year
          Start simulation for one year ahead
--- Sub set_status
          Update status variable
--- Sub Align_Working
--- Sub code_variables
          Recalculate some variables
--- Sub calc_newyear_macro
          Calculating new macro variables

a01_Economics_1; a01_Economics_1.bas
2002-08-29 07:55:25
--- Sub new_economy_1

a02_Economics_2; a01_Economics_2.bas
2007-03-19 17:39:49
--- Sub new_economy_2
          Calculate various income for different status
--- Function income_2
--- Function sigma_my
--- Function f_income_students
--- Function f_income_misc
--- Sub randomnumbers

a03_Economics_3; a03_Economics_3.bas
2006-05-15 15:00:56
--- Sub new_economy_3
          Calculate various income for different status
--- Function income_3
          Income function for working individuals
          Estimated from HINK-panel
--- Function start_income_3
          Start income function for working individuals
--- Function wage
--- Sub labor_supply

a05_Rules; Rules.bas
2007-03-16 16:14:24
--- Sub calc_rules
          Main rule sub
          Calculate rules for houshold hh_nr
--- Sub calc_disp_household
--- Sub Calculate_Study_transfers
          -- Study loans, grants and repayments Studiemedel & studielån
--- Sub s_income_tax
--- Function f_basic_deduction
--- Function f_bas_deduct_min
--- Sub s_realestate_tax
--- Sub s_capital_tax
--- Sub s_wealth_tax
--- Function f_childallowance
--- Function f_housingallowance
--- Function f_btp
--- Function f_socialassistance
--- Sub impute_public_consumption
          Subsidies for public services are imputed using estimated models
--- Function takeup_social_welfare

a06_Pension_Rules; a06_Pension_Rules.bas
2007-03-09 10:41:14
--- Sub Calculate_Disability_Pension
          Calculation of disability pension benefits
--- Sub Calculate_Work_Injuries
--- Function f_local_taxrate
         -- Local tax rate for different years
--- Function f_ramtid
         -- Qualifying time in new disability pension system
--- Function f_qualif_inc
         -- Disablity pensions qualifying income from 2003
--- Function f_disab_guarantee
         -- Calculates guaranteed level in basic amounts in new disability pensions system
--- Function f_SGA_2002
         -- Särskilt grundavdrag 2002 (Bygger på a05 f_basic_deduction)
          Used for calculation of transition to new disability pension system
--- Function f_basic_deduction_2002
         -- Basic deduction 2002 (Bygger på a05 f_basic_deduction)
--- Sub Calculate_Survivors_pension
         -- Calculation of survivors pension Efterlevandepensioner
--- Sub Update_Survivors_pension
         -- Yearly updating of previously calculated survivors pensiona Efterlevandepensioner
--- Function f_Occupational_DB_pension_benefits
--- Function f_Occupational_pension_benefits
          Calculation of occupational pension Tjänstepensioner
--- Function f_avg_income
         -- Calculation of fixed price average income for the last five years
--- Function f_op_db_comp
         -- Occupational pensions: General procedure for Calculation of compensation levels in defined benefit systems
--- Function f_op_pa03
--- Function f_Public_Pension_Benefits
         -- Calculation of old age public pension benefits
          -- Old system Gamla systemet
          -- ATP - National supplementary pension Allmän tilläggspension
          -- Basic pension & pension supplement Folkpension & PTS
          -- Reformed system Reformerat system
          -- FP30 - Old part Reformed basic pension
          -- IP - Income pension Inkomstpension
          -- Calculates fictious pension. Used in calc of reformed basic pension
          -- PP - PremiePension
          -- Retirement pension, Reformed transitional supplement Garantitillägg
          -- GP - Reformed basic retirement pensions Garantipension
          -- Summing up different pension components
--- Function f_Private_Pension_Benefits
--- Sub Pension_debugging_files
         -- Optional printing of pension debugging files (micro data)
--- Sub Pension_micro_file
         -- Optional printing of pension micro file (micro data)
--- Sub Calculate_Public_Pension_Rights
         -- Calculation of pension rights ATP-system and new system PGI & PGB
         -- Calculate pensionable income Beräknar pensionsgrundande inkomst PGI
         -- Helpvariables for calculation of pension income index and income basic amount
         -- Pensionable amounts, pension rights Pensionsgrundande belopp och pensionsunderlag
          -- Pensionable amounts, military service
          -- Pensionable amounts, studies 138% of study grants (Endast av bidragsbeloppet)
         -- Pensionable amounts, disability pension (Antagandeinkomst)
          -- Pensionable amounts, child years
          -- Summing up pensionable amounts
         -- Optional calculation of determinstic pension rights
         -- Optional aligning of pensionable income etc
          -- Cumulative pension rights PR
          -- Pension rights for the ATP-system
          -- Pension rights and pension contributions for the reformed system
          -- Cumulative pension rights
          -- Income pension Inkomstpension
          -- Cumulative pension rights
          -- Income pension Inkomstpension
          -- Premium pension
         -- Optional aligning of cumulative pension rights
--- Sub Calculate_Occupational_Pension_Rights
         -- Calculation of occupational pension rights for defined contribution systems
          -- Cumulative occupational pension rights
--- Sub Init_Occupational_Pension_Rights
         -- Initiation of occupational pension stocks in DC systems
          -- Cumulative occupational pension rights
--- Function f_hist_income
         -- Returns the historical income for a certain year
--- Function f_op_pens_rights
         -- Calculation of occupational pension rights (defined contribution systems)
--- Sub Update_pp_hist
         -- Updates pension history vectors in pp_hist
--- Function f_pp_years
         -- Number of ATP years for individual i up to year y
--- Function f_fu_kvot
         -- Returns the ratio used for adjustment of calculated ATP-pension for early /
          late retirement (Note: time unit = month)
--- Function f_ap_fp_kvot
--- Function f_red_service_time
         -- Tjänstetidsfaktor
--- Sub Calculate_Deltal
         -- Calculates pension annuity factors (delningstal)
         -- and inheritance factors (arvsvinstfaktor)
--- Function f_krav_atp_ar
          -- Calculates required number of years for ATP for different cohorts
--- Function f_utfasning_ATP
          -- Calculates parameter for phasing out the ATP system Note: > 1953 = 1 and <1938 = 0
--- Function f_ap_pensage
          -- Calculates pension age in years
--- Function f_ap_pensyear
          -- Calculates pension year
--- Function f_pens_index
          -- Calculates actual price indexation method for different pension programs and years
          -- Reformed basic retirement pensions for individuals born from 1938 on
--- Function f_ap_garp_38_
          -- Reformed basic retirement pensions Garantipension
          -- Transitional reformed basic retirement pension for individuals born until 1938
--- Function f_ap_garp_37
         -- 1: Beräkning av beräkningsunderlag
         -- 2: Uppräkning av beräkningsunderlag som komp för SGA
         -- 3: Beräkning av garantipension mht inkomst, civilstånd etc
--- Function f_GetMakro
         -- Reading data from table T_DATA in Sesimrun.MDB
          If no hit in the database the latest number is retained
--- Sub Print_to_file
         -- General procedure for printing of text or variables to a file
--- Function f_Concat_string
--- Function f_Concat_string_space
--- Function f_Concat_string_comma
--- Function f_Concat_string_cita
--- Function f_pens_bas
          -- Choice of basic amount definition for different pension programs and years
--- Sub Calculate_Macro
         -- Calculation and aggregation of some macro variables
         -- Effective retirement age. (Ministry of Health and Social affairs definition)
--- Sub Print_Pension_Cohort
--- Sub Print_Pensions_Macro
         -- Optional printing of macro variables to Aremos-format
--- Function cnt0
--- Function cntstatusif
--- Function sumif
--- Function f_m_ap_pensage
--- Function cntif
--- Sub Print_elderly_care_micro
         -- Optional printing of data for analysis of elderly care(micro data)
--- Sub Calculate_Disability_Pension
          Calculation of disability pension benefits
--- Sub Calculate_Work_Injuries
--- Function f_local_taxrate
         -- Local tax rate for different years
--- Function f_ramtid
         -- Qualifying time in new disability pension system
--- Function f_qualif_inc
         -- Disablity pensions qualifying income from 2003
--- Function f_disab_guarantee
         -- Calculates guaranteed level in basic amounts in new disability pensions system
--- Function f_SGA_2002
         -- Särskilt grundavdrag 2002 (Bygger på a05 f_basic_deduction)
          Used for calculation of transition to new disability pension system
--- Function f_basic_deduction_2002
         -- Basic deduction 2002 (Bygger på a05 f_basic_deduction)
--- Sub Calculate_Survivors_pension
         -- Calculation of survivors pension Efterlevandepensioner
--- Sub Update_Survivors_pension
         -- Yearly updating of previously calculated survivors pensiona Efterlevandepensioner
--- Function f_Occupational_DB_pension_benefits
--- Function f_Occupational_pension_benefits
          Calculation of occupational pension Tjänstepensioner
--- Function f_avg_income
         -- Calculation of fixed price average income for the last five years
--- Function f_op_db_comp
         -- Occupational pensions: General procedure for Calculation of compensation levels in defined benefit systems
--- Function f_op_pa03
--- Function f_Public_Pension_Benefits
         -- Calculation of old age public pension benefits
          -- Old system Gamla systemet
          -- ATP - National supplementary pension Allmän tilläggspension
          -- Basic pension & pension supplement Folkpension & PTS
          -- Reformed system Reformerat system
          -- FP30 - Old part Reformed basic pension
          -- IP - Income pension Inkomstpension
          -- Calculates fictious pension. Used in calc of reformed basic pension
          -- PP - PremiePension
          -- Retirement pension, Reformed transitional supplement Garantitillägg
          -- GP - Reformed basic retirement pensions Garantipension
          -- Summing up different pension components
--- Function f_Private_Pension_Benefits
--- Sub Pension_debugging_files
         -- Optional printing of pension debugging files (micro data)
--- Sub Pension_micro_file
         -- Optional printing of pension micro file (micro data)
--- Sub Calculate_Public_Pension_Rights
         -- Calculation of pension rights ATP-system and new system PGI & PGB
         -- Calculate pensionable income Beräknar pensionsgrundande inkomst PGI
         -- Helpvariables for calculation of pension income index and income basic amount
         -- Pensionable amounts, pension rights Pensionsgrundande belopp och pensionsunderlag
          -- Pensionable amounts, military service
          -- Pensionable amounts, studies 138% of study grants (Endast av bidragsbeloppet)
         -- Pensionable amounts, disability pension (Antagandeinkomst)
          -- Pensionable amounts, child years
          -- Summing up pensionable amounts
         -- Optional calculation of determinstic pension rights
         -- Optional aligning of pensionable income etc
          -- Cumulative pension rights PR
          -- Pension rights for the ATP-system
          -- Pension rights and pension contributions for the reformed system
          -- Cumulative pension rights
          -- Income pension Inkomstpension
          -- Cumulative pension rights
          -- Income pension Inkomstpension
          -- Premium pension
         -- Optional aligning of cumulative pension rights
--- Sub Calculate_Occupational_Pension_Rights
         -- Calculation of occupational pension rights for defined contribution systems
          -- Cumulative occupational pension rights
--- Sub Init_Occupational_Pension_Rights
         -- Initiation of occupational pension stocks in DC systems
          -- Cumulative occupational pension rights
--- Function f_hist_income
         -- Returns the historical income for a certain year
--- Function f_op_pens_rights
         -- Calculation of occupational pension rights (defined contribution systems)
--- Sub Update_pp_hist
         -- Updates pension history vectors in pp_hist
--- Function f_pp_years
         -- Number of ATP years for individual i up to year y
--- Function f_fu_kvot
         -- Returns the ratio used for adjustment of calculated ATP-pension for early /
          late retirement (Note: time unit = month)
--- Function f_ap_fp_kvot
--- Function f_red_service_time
         -- Tjänstetidsfaktor
--- Sub Calculate_Deltal
         -- Calculates pension annuity factors (delningstal)
         -- and inheritance factors (arvsvinstfaktor)
--- Function f_krav_atp_ar
          -- Calculates required number of years for ATP for different cohorts
--- Function f_utfasning_ATP
          -- Calculates parameter for phasing out the ATP system Note: > 1953 = 1 and <1938 = 0
--- Function f_ap_pensage
          -- Calculates pension age in years
--- Function f_ap_pensyear
          -- Calculates pension year
--- Function f_pens_index
          -- Calculates actual price indexation method for different pension programs and years
          -- Reformed basic retirement pensions for individuals born from 1938 on
--- Function f_ap_garp_38_
          -- Reformed basic retirement pensions Garantipension
          -- Transitional reformed basic retirement pension for individuals born until 1938
--- Function f_ap_garp_37
         -- 1: Beräkning av beräkningsunderlag
         -- 2: Uppräkning av beräkningsunderlag som komp för SGA
         -- 3: Beräkning av garantipension mht inkomst, civilstånd etc
--- Function f_GetMakro
         -- Reading data from table T_DATA in Sesimrun.MDB
          If no hit in the database the latest number is retained
--- Sub Print_to_file
         -- General procedure for printing of text or variables to a file
--- Function f_Concat_string
--- Function f_Concat_string_space
--- Function f_Concat_string_comma
--- Function f_Concat_string_cita
--- Function f_pens_bas
          -- Choice of basic amount definition for different pension programs and years
--- Sub Calculate_Macro
         -- Calculation and aggregation of some macro variables
         -- Effective retirement age. (Ministry of Health and Social affairs definition)
--- Sub Print_Pension_Cohort
--- Sub Print_Pensions_Macro
         -- Optional printing of macro variables to Aremos-format
--- Function cnt0
--- Function cntstatusif
--- Function sumstatusif
--- Function sumif
--- Function sum
--- Function f_m_ap_pensage
--- Function cntif
--- Sub Print_elderly_care_micro
         -- Optional printing of data for analysis of elderly care(micro data)

a07_Retirement_Decision; a07_Retirement_Decision.bas
2007-03-09 10:41:14
--- Sub Pension_Decision
--- Function Retirement_Prob_BB
--- Function ssw_retirement_tax
--- Function ssw_Babyboom
--- Sub Pension_Decision
--- Function Retirement_Prob
--- Function retirement_incomew
--- Function retirement_incomer
--- Function ssw
--- Function accrual
--- Function diskontering

a08_automatic_balancing; a08_automatic_balancing.bas
2007-03-09 10:41:14
--- Sub automatic_balancing
--- Sub pension_contributions
--- Sub APFund
--- Sub BalanceRatio
--- Sub Print_Balancing
--- Sub calculate_Uds
--- Sub calculate_Ud
--- Function PrintFileFredrik
--- Sub CalculatePensionContributors
--- Sub calc_TP
--- Sub calc_TP_help
--- Sub Open_Excel2
--- Sub Read_Excel2

b01_Demographics; Demographics.bas
2007-03-09 16:27:05
          This module handles demographics
--- Sub new_population
          Main module demographics
--- Sub Mortality
--- Sub calc_deathprobs
--- Sub calc_wanted_mortality
--- Sub rand_mort
--- Sub adopt
--- Sub match_families
--- Sub Fertility
--- Sub calc_fertilityprobs
--- Sub calc_wanted_fertility
--- Sub rand_fertility
--- Sub leave_home
          Youngsters leaving home
--- Sub migration
--- Sub immigration
--- Sub emigration
--- Sub emigrate_hh
--- Sub hh_mix
--- Function invandrings_year
--- Function max_age
--- Sub cohab
          Handles cohabitation
--- Sub early_retire
          Routine for early retirement
--- Sub rehab
          Routine for rehabilition from early retirement
--- Sub demograf_stat
          Updates some variables after demographics
--- Sub Split_Pair
--- Sub split_pair_doit

b02_education; Education.bas
2006-01-04 11:36:51
--- Sub education
--- Function Ed_Mod1
--- Function Ed_Mod2
--- Function Ed_Mod3
--- Function Ed_Mod4
--- Function Ed_Mod5
--- Function Ed_Mod6
--- Sub income_quartiles
--- Sub ImputeEducation

b03_Labour; Labour.bas
2006-02-07 19:10:25
--- Function unemployed
--- Function f_working
--- Function misc_status
--- Sub Sick_leave
--- Sub Update_Sector

b05_Wealth_Housing; b05_Wealth_Housing.bas
2006-05-15 16:29:46
--- Sub Owncost
--- Sub Rentcost
--- Function House_Mod4
--- Function House_Mod5
--- Sub Wealth_PensionSavings
          Wealth: Routine for calculation of Financial and real other wealth.
--- Function Fwealth_Mod1
--- Function Fwealth_Mod2
--- Function Fwealth_Mod3
--- Function Rwealth_Mod1
--- Function Rwealth_Mod2
--- Function Psavings_Mod1
--- Function Psavings_Mod2
--- Sub ImputeHousingInfo
--- Sub Regional_Migration
--- Sub TenureChoice
--- Sub HandleHouseSalesPurchase
--- Sub InitializeHousePurchasePrice
--- Sub Interest_Dividends
--- Sub Debt
--- Sub CapitalGain
--- Sub DebtInterest
--- Function HouseInterest

b06_Health; b06_Health.bas
2007-03-07 14:30:51
--- Sub Health
--- Function staticHealth
--- Function dynamicHealth
--- Sub Inpatient_Care
--- Sub ADL
--- Sub ExcessMortality
--- Sub AssistanceElderly
--- Sub DisabilityPension
--- Sub ClosenessToRelative
--- Sub Sick_leave_Health

c00_Init; Init.bas
2006-01-19 16:53:13
--- Sub Initsesim
--- Sub check_new_base_data
--- Function f_calc_StatusAtAge61ToX
--- Function f_set_StatusAtAge61ToX

Inchistory; Inchistory.cls
2002-08-29 07:55:27
--- Sub getinchist
--- Sub getinchist2
--- Sub Init
--- Sub write_now
--- Sub del_future

Lifehistory; Lifehistory.cls
2002-08-29 07:55:27
--- Sub Init
--- Sub write_hist
--- Sub write_now

x01_Readparameters; Readparameters.bas
2007-03-09 10:41:15
--- Sub read_parameters
--- Sub Open_Excel
--- Sub Read_Excel
--- Sub read_BASE_parametrar
--- Sub read_MY_parametrar
--- Sub read_scaleparm
--- Function get_scalefactor
--- Function get_scalefactor_active

x03_Service; Module1.bas
2007-03-09 10:41:15
--- Function summa
--- Function round
--- Function fspace
--- Sub delete_individuals
--- Sub delete_household
--- Sub status
--- Function maxi
--- Function mini
--- Function get_hh_size
--- Function get_hhlast_indnr
--- Function get_mean_age
--- Function get_hh_max
--- Function get_hh_sum
--- Function count_18_older
--- Function exist_newborn
--- Function exist_child0_3
--- Sub add_born
--- Sub leave_home_doit
--- Sub clone_hh
--- Sub read_data
--- Sub Write_Data
--- Function gauss
--- Function gauss_2
--- Sub clear_marks
--- Sub match_couples
--- Function getword
--- Function findlimit
--- Sub Printdok
--- Function username
--- Function compname
--- Sub setpath
--- Function binary_files_exist
--- Function ReplaceWord
--- Sub get_malefemale_indnr
--- Sub Pack_Pension_Hist
--- Function f_mean_ATP
--- Function pp_hist_limit
--- Sub Sort
--- Function Percentile
--- Function Floor
--- Function Ceiling
--- Function PrintFile
--- Function HouseholdInfo
--- Function f_delningstal
--- Sub stock_sub
--- Sub död_sub
--- Sub dödsrisk_sub
--- Sub Spline
--- Function arr_Percentile
--- Function logit
--- Sub calc_emig_municipality
          Calculating emigrant municipality
--- Sub calc_hh_emig_year
         Calculating emigration year
--- Function maxval
--- Function minval
--- Sub Write_Output_Data_Old
--- Function BinarySearch
--- Sub quicksort
--- Sub vbQuickSort
--- Sub D_vbQuickSort
--- Function wrap_D_SORTVEC
--- Sub InitOutputData
--- Sub Write_Output_Data
--- Sub step_to_year
--- Sub test_random_numbers
--- Function BB_Region
--- Sub UpdateVariables
--- Sub Individualize_CapitalIncome
--- Sub Individualize_Debt
--- Sub Individualize_FinancialWealth

x04_Checks; Checks.bas
2003-03-03 14:06:52
--- Sub do_checks
--- Sub check_hhnr
--- Sub check_inr
--- Sub check_begsh_bvux
--- Sub check_istatus
--- Sub trace_indnr
--- Sub dbg_hhnr

x05_VB_Fortran; VB_Fortran.bas
2006-05-15 16:29:50

x91_Test; x91_Test.bas
2002-08-29 07:55:30
--- Sub test_fetch

x99_Eval; x99_Eval.bas
2002-08-29 07:55:30
--- Function e_CurrEval$
--- Function e_eval
--- Function e_function
--- Sub e_match
--- Sub e_nxt
--- Function e_prs

xxVectordef; Vectordef.bas
2007-03-16 14:54:31
--- Sub init_var_coll
--- Sub getvalues
--- Sub prepare_temp
--- Function get_value
--- Function get_macro_value
--- Sub dyn_vect_i
--- Sub dyn_vect_h
--- Sub zero_i
--- Sub zero_h
--- Sub zero_m
--- Sub shift_up_marked_ii
--- Sub shift_up_marked_hh
--- Sub shift_up_hh
--- Sub copy_individ_var
--- Sub copy_household_var
--- Sub read_i_bin
--- Sub read_h_bin
--- Sub write_i_bin
--- Sub write_h_bin
--- Sub write_m_bin
--- Sub read_m_bin
--- Sub write_sas_program
--- Sub write_sas_program_hh
--- Sub write_accessdb
--- Sub WriteToBinaryFile

2002-08-29 07:55:25
--- Sub Form_Load

2002-08-29 07:55:26
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub Form_Unload
--- Sub Combo1_Click
--- Sub Combo2_Click
--- Sub change_variable
--- Sub make_grid
--- Sub make_integerlist
--- Sub make_classlimits
--- Sub prepare_data
--- Sub write_grid
--- Sub min_cell_width
--- Sub update_combo1
--- Sub update_combo2
--- Sub combo1_KeyUp
--- Sub combo2_KeyUp
--- Sub scale_var_Click
--- Sub Form_Resize
--- Sub CombSort
--- Sub checkminmax
--- Function n_unique_values
--- Sub Text1_Change

2007-03-07 17:07:53
--- Sub cmd_OutputData_Click
--- Sub cmd_writedata_Click
--- Sub cmdTest_Click
--- Sub Form_Click
--- Sub Form_Load
          Load Control Centre form
--- Sub cmd1run_Click
          Run button is pressed
--- Sub cmdDemo_Click
          Demographic table
--- Sub cmdDemohist_Click
          Population histogram
--- Sub cmdUnivar_Click
          Univariate statistics
--- Sub cmdKernel_Click
          Kernel diagram
--- Sub cmdFreq_Click
          Frequency tables
--- Sub cmdScript_Click
--- Sub CmdGlobalSelection_Click
--- Sub chk2Savehist_Click
--- Sub chk2Saveincomehist_Click
--- Sub cmd1Randomize_Click
--- Sub Form_Resize
--- Sub chkDataexist_Click
--- Sub cmd1Goto_Click
--- Sub cmdStatistics_Click
          New statistics
--- Sub cmdMicrodata_Click
--- Sub cmd_contingency_Click
--- Sub SSTab1_Click
--- Sub gridParm_AfterUpdate
--- Sub update_viewers
--- Sub cmdBrowsepar1_Click
--- Sub cmdBrowsepar2_Click
--- Function get_par_file
--- Sub cmdSaveOptions_Click
--- Sub get_options
--- Sub txtRetire_Validate
--- Sub txtRetire_lostfocus
--- Sub txtWeight_Change

2002-08-29 07:55:26
--- Sub CancelButton_Click

2002-08-29 07:55:27
--- Sub Text1_Change
--- Sub compute
--- Function lookup_var
--- Sub set_selection

2005-11-02 12:55:04
--- Sub cmd_Cancel_Click
--- Sub cmd_ChangeFileName_Click
--- Sub cmd_LoadList_Click
--- Sub cmd_mark_Click
--- Sub cmd_SaveList_Click
--- Sub cmd_unmark_Click
--- Sub cmd_writedata_Click
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub UpdateOutputDataType
--- Sub opt_ascii_Click
--- Sub opt_binary_Click

2002-08-29 07:55:27
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub cmdPrint_Click
--- Sub Form_Resize
--- Sub Form_Unload

2004-05-10 14:18:34
--- Sub CboOp_Validate
--- Sub CboVar_Validate
--- Sub CmdDelete_Click
--- Sub CmdHelp_Click
--- Sub CmdLoad_Click
--- Sub CmdSaveFile_Click
--- Sub CmdSubmit_Click
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub Form_Resize
--- Sub Form_Unload
--- Sub GrdSel_SelChange
--- Sub RedrawGrid
--- Sub Recalc_Selections
--- Function Check_Cond
--- Sub Text1_Change
--- Sub Add_Selection

2002-08-29 07:55:27
--- Sub Command1_Click
--- Sub Form_Load

2004-05-10 14:18:34
--- Sub txtDDE_in_Change
--- Sub set_global_condition
--- Sub delete_selection
--- Sub check_DDEcommandtype
--- Function calculate_statistic
--- Sub send2excel

2005-11-02 09:30:15
          This is the main starting form
--- Sub MDIForm_Load
          First Sub running when starting Sesim
--- Sub menu_about_Click
          Menu choice - about
--- Sub menu_exit_Click
          Menu choice - exit
--- Sub menu_savewindowsstate_Click
          Menu choice - Save window state
--- Sub menu_loadwindowsstate_Click
          Menu choice - Load window state
--- Sub menu_print_Click
          Menu choice - Print all windows
--- Sub menu_skrivtxt_Click
          Menu choice - Write data to be imported to SAS
--- Sub menu_variables_Click
--- Sub menu_writeaccess_Click
          Menu choice - Write data to be imported to MS Access
--- Sub menu_writebin_Click
          Menu choice - Write binary file
--- Sub MDIForm_Unload
--- Sub menu_runtime_Click

2002-08-29 07:55:28
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub Form_Resize
--- Sub chkPlot_Click
--- Sub Form_Terminate
--- Sub Form_Unload
--- Sub menuClear_Click
--- Sub menuCopytolog_Click
--- Function fspace
--- Sub Text1_Change
--- Sub stat_dem
--- Sub lv1_ColumnClick
--- Sub plotnew

2002-08-29 07:55:28
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub bef_pyr
--- Sub Form_Unload
--- Sub Text1_Change

2004-05-10 14:18:35
--- Sub chkNotzero_Click
--- Sub chkPercent_Click
--- Sub Combo1_Click
--- Sub Combo1_DropDown
--- Sub Combo2_DropDown
--- Sub Combo1_LostFocus
--- Sub Combo2_LostFocus
--- Sub Combo2_Click
--- Sub call_which
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub Form_Resize
--- Sub chkPlot_Click
--- Sub Form_Unload
--- Sub menuClear_Click
--- Sub menuCopytoeditor_Click
--- Sub Text1_Change
--- Sub stat_ber
--- Sub explain_status
--- Sub delete_duplicate
--- Sub insert_col
--- Sub lv1_ColumnClick
--- Sub plotnew

2003-02-14 17:38:37
--- Sub chkAutomax_Click
--- Sub chkAutomin_Click
--- Sub cmdParam_Click
--- Sub Combo1_Click
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub call_which
--- Sub lblAxis_MouseDown
--- Sub Form_MouseMove
--- Sub Form_Unload
--- Sub lblAxis_MouseMove
--- Sub Slider1_Change
--- Sub Slider2_Change
--- Sub Text1_Change
--- Sub stat_ker
--- Function norm
--- Sub plotserie
--- Function ypix
--- Function xpix

2002-08-29 07:55:28
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub MSFlexGrid1_Click
--- Sub Text1_Change
--- Sub updatenow
--- Sub cmdSelvar_Click
--- Sub load_list
--- Sub txtHHnr_Change
--- Sub LstHh_Click
--- Sub txtInr_Change
--- Sub lstInd_Click
--- Sub unselect_i
--- Sub show_i
--- Sub show_h
--- Sub updatenumbers
--- Sub Copytoeditor
--- Sub Form_Resize
--- Sub Form_Unload
--- Sub yellow_i
--- Sub chkLogalli_Click
--- Sub chkLogseli_Click
--- Sub cmdLognowi_Click

2002-08-29 07:55:28
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub Combo1_Click
--- Sub Combo2_Click
--- Sub prepare1
--- Sub prepare2
--- Sub cmdCompute_Click
--- Sub calculations
--- Sub out
--- Sub Text1_Change
--- Function vectorsize

2002-09-12 16:30:24
--- Sub chkNotzero_Click
--- Sub Form_Resize
--- Sub chkPlot_Click
--- Sub Combo1_Click
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub call_which
--- Sub Form_Unload
--- Sub menuClear_Click
--- Sub menuCopytoeditor_Click
--- Sub Text1_Change
--- Sub stat_ber
--- Sub delete_duplicate
--- Sub stat_ber_macro
--- Sub lv1_ColumnClick
--- Sub plotnew

2002-08-29 07:55:29
--- Sub eval_line
--- Function eval_functions
--- Function exp_expr
--- Function x_exp_expr
--- Function var_type
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub Form_Resize
--- Sub rtbed_KeyDown
--- Function getline
--- Sub out
--- Sub Text1_Change
--- Sub readdata
--- Sub store_local
--- Function is_local
--- Function get_local
--- Sub Form_Unload
--- Sub menu_help_Click

2005-06-03 15:46:48
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub Form_Resize

2002-08-29 07:55:29
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub Form_Resize

2005-06-03 12:42:00
--- Sub Form_Load
--- Sub Form_Resize